Armour Driver Training

Info & Fees

Info & Fees

We aim to give you value for money.  Our lessons are £19.00 per hour and £18.00 per hour if you pay for ten hours in advance. 
On the day of your practical test you will need a two hour lesson, which is charged at the normal rate (be careful! Some driving schools charge a substantial surcharge for test day lessons!)

We will always let you know your current progress in your driving lessons.  You will be given a progress chart so you can see your skills improving week by week.
The current learner driving laws have a significant gap when it comes to motorway driving.  You are not allowed to drive on motorways if you hold only a provisional licence, but once you have passed, you can immediately drive on motorways with no training whatsoever!  This is where the Pass Plus scheme comes in.
Pass Plus is a course consisting of a minimum of six hours post-test tuition with a fully qualified driving instructor, and includes;
- Introduction and town driving
- Out of town driving and rural roads
- Dual carriageways
- Night driving
- Driving in adverse weather conditions
- Motorway driving
There is no further test to take and upon satisfactory completion of the course you will be given a certificate which will also entitle you to extra discouts with many insurance companies.  The Pass Plus course not only teaches you to drive (your practical test only confirms that you have reached the minimum acceptable standard), but also teaches you advanced observation and assesssment skills to enhance your safety on the road. The Pass Plus course is charged at the normal hourly rate (some drinving schools charge extra for these lessons).

Armour Driver Training is based in Great Horton, Bradford.  Chris Armour has been a fully qualified Driving Standards Agency ADI (Approved Driving Instructor) for many years and has experience of the Driver Training industry, including with well known national driving schools. He has over twenty years experience of driving cars and motorcycles (Norfolk Key Rider RAC / ACU trained).  He has recently obtained a Driving Standards Agency Grade 5, which means that his teaching is above average in all areas. 
Check carefully who you are being taught by!  Does your instructor have a pink triangle badge in the window of his or her car?  If so, they are a trainee instructor who has passed two of the qualifying exams and is working towards their final test.  There is no legal obligation to tell you that you will be taught by a trainee and you will often be charged the same rate as for a fully qualified instructor, who has a green octagonal badge in their car window.  If your instructor has no badge in their car window, they are breaking the law if they charge you in any way for your driving lessons and will almost certainly have no insurance for you to drive their car.


Armour Driver Training - 01274 576063 - 07769 638411